Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Administrative Internship Overview

Cleveland Clinic will be welcoming 12 graduate administrative interns this summer for a 12 week internship program! A new administrative internship program has been developed for this summer that integrates several existing administrative internship opportunities and incorporates multiple new opportunities for graduate students. This new administrative internship program offers a uniform application process and a central structure that incorporates learning lessons and development opportunities for the interns.

The goal of the CCHS graduate administrative internship is to attract the top MHA/MBA candidates to administrative opportunities at the clinic and the post-graduate fellowship program. The internship will also help to strength ties with some of the top graduate healthcare administration program in the county. We are excited to announce that this year; we received 103 applications for the 12 internship positions.  Students have been placed into internship in the following institutes and areas:
  •      Digestive Disease Institute
  •      Emergency Services Institutes
  •      Executive Administration
  •      Glickman Institute
  •      Heart and Vascular Institute
  •      Imaging institute
  •      International Operations
  •      Regional Operations
  •      Respiratory Institute
  •      Strategy Office
  •      Taussig Cancer Institute

The 2016 administrative internship program will have students from:
  •      Carnegie Mellon University
  •      Cornell University
  •      Ohio State University
  •      Penn State University
  •      UNC at Chapel Hill
  •      University of Michigan
  •      University of Minnesota
  •      Yale School of Public Health

Thank you to all those that were involved in the recruitment process and to all those that are hosting an intern this summer. We are excited to have a great group of talented students joining us this summer! 

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